Monday, October 11, 2010

I love him!

I love it when kids contemplate.  I love it when anyone takes the time to be reflective, but there is something so pure and sweet and innocent about a child in thought, even for just a moment.  Okay, so maybe he wasn't deep in thought...he may have been thinking about whether he wanted to climb on the nearby log, or chase the cow...or maybe he was thinking about the balloon we just let float away, on accident...which may have led his mind to the impermanence and fragility of life...and how delicately we have to hold on to what we love...  Okay, but likely, he was thinking about the cow!  And maybe how much he loves his mommy!

1 comment:

  1. I think he was planning how to get that cow! But you never know with this child of mine. I love this picture. Thank you Kris.
