Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Photo-a-Day! On being "fully awake"!

I love cats. Even this one, who is kind of our house-bully! (Thanks Allison!) :]

Along with my photography assignment posts, I've decided today that I am going to do my best to present a "photo-a-day"! I need an excuse to set aside my long list of things to do each day (taxes have been on that list for weeks now!) and spend some time thinking creatively!

Sometimes the photo I post will be of projects I am working on, portraits or landscapes and such, or maybe even past projects, and other times, like today, just something random that catches my, for example, the kitty who is now sitting on my lap listening to me type!

I think it is important, as a photographer, or anyone involved in a creative craft, (whether it's painting, writing, dancing, playing music, or whatever) to do something, even a little thing, every remain "fully awake".

So, in the spirit of being engaged in the my kitty!

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