The first of, what is promised to be, many entries in the "motion" this one is a fun one to experiment with...! While driving down Highway 1, California's scenic coastal route, in a dark and relentless rainstorm, I distracted myself from being a backseat driver by experimenting with shutter speeds and tail lights! Some very funky results! This one, for example, was about 3 seconds of shutter time, hand holding to allow that jiggled perspective...! I love that you can still differentiate between the sky and the hillside, you can make out the arrows painted on the road, and the leading lines of the lights...! Mostly, it was just fun! And so much better than me worrying about the hydroplaning we were doing on that wet road! me your own "motion" photo! (
Oh, I have some like that from our Toronto trip last summer. We rented a convertible and I went a little crazy with the camera. I'll have to dig those out. I also have a few ballet pics from last weekend that I took with a slow shutter speed. I'll have to look at those too.